Human beings are physically weaker than animals yet they have managed things for years to become the most powerful creature on earth. Because they get power from knowledge and not depend on the physical strength. Human beings are clever creature of nature, they have ability to acquire knowledge and preserve their knowledge, research and experiences in the books in order to pass to the new generations. Knowledge gives them power to know how to control the forces of nature and then use them for getting benefited.
Knowledge is power is the famous proverb which means knowledge is very powerful and has ability to win over all other physical power in the world. Once a person gets power of knowledge, he/she do not need to fear from other power. Knowledge plays great role in all aspects of the life by let us know the easy and effective ways to solve the circumstances. Knowledge is a very powerful factor which helps us to easily get name, fame, success, power and position in the life. We can say that money and physical strength are also important tools of power; however both of them are not so powerful like knowledge. Money and physical strength cannot buy or steal the knowledge; it can only be achieved by the continuous practice, devotion, and patience.
knowledge is power essay for class 4
A more knowledgeable person in the society becomes more valuable and respected. A knowledgeable person gets more fame very easily and people want to work with him. Knowledge is the way to more doors and opportunities in the life. Knowledge provides actual freedom in the life and opens all the doors of success. Knowledge provides power to speak through our mind which really helps people to understand who you truly are.
Knowledge is power proverb is said by the Francis Bacon, a great essayist. He had given his opinion that knowledge is the source of power to man. The meaning of knowledge is power is that real power comes from the knowledge which distinguishes man from animals. It is very true that human beings are physically weak than animals however they are not so weak by mind because they have knowledge which gives them true power to handle almost everything in the world. Man is considered as the clever creature on the earth even after being weak physically than other creatures.
Man has a mind, full of knowledge and thus full of power which make them able to manage various up and down circumstances in the life. There are many things which man cannot do physically such as running on bare foot, see far like an eagle, run so fast like panther, fight with forest animals, carry heavy loads, smell fast like dog, etc.; but he can do all things through the technologies developed by him by using his power of knowledge.
True knowledge keeps people away from the fights, corruption and other social issues harmful for the humanity. Undoubtedly, we can say that knowledge is power which can bring countless happiness to the people if it is used in the right direction especially for the welfare of whole humanity. Knowledge opens the eyes of people and opens all the way to success.
Knowledge gain is not limited to anything; it can be gained by the person all through the life of any age. Knowledge gain is a long process of dedication, patience and continuity. It is like unlimited money which can never be finished, however the level of knowledge of a person increases with the distribution among needy people. A person can gain some new knowledge through the regular observation and experimentation. Every person take birth with same quality, mind and power, however when he/she grows develops different quality, mind and power; all differences are just because of the knowledge level of every person. For example, Newton discovered theory of gravitation and there are other many famous scientists who have been discovered amazing things in life involving in making life easy and advance on the earth. All have been possible because of the power of knowledge.
All the modern technologies discovered in many countries individually have made countries so powerful economically and militarily than other countries, all are based on knowledge. The underlying secret of every success is the power of knowledge which ultimately gives a person name, fame and money. India has also done a lot in the field of science, research, medicine, education, etc.; still developing continuously in various fields to be a powerful country on the basis of knowledge. The progress of human beings or any country is completely depends on the growth of knowledge in various fields in the positive and constructive ways. Use of knowledge in destructive and negative ways may hugely disturb the life existence on the earth.
Francis Bacon has said that knowledge is itself a power, having ability to change everything. Knowledge gives way to handle situation, to make plan, the way to implement plan and make impossible things possible. If one has complete knowledge, he/she is the luckiest and richest person in the world because knowledge can never be stolen or plundered and does not decrease even when it is given to others. In fact, knowledge is a power and we can say that the strongest power in the world is knowledge.
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Thus, an obvious way in which knowledge aids the acquisition of more knowledge lies in the greater power it affords in making correct inferences. If the writer assumes that you have some background knowledge that you lack, you'll be confused. For example, if you read, "He was a real Benedict Arnold about it" and you don't know who Benedict Arnold was, you're lost. This implication of background knowledge is straightforward and easy to grasp. It is no surprise, then, that the ability to read a text and make sense of it is highly correlated with background knowledge (Kosmoski, Gay, and Vockell, 1990). If you know more, you're a better reader.
Some researchers have suggested that prior knowledge is so important to memory that it can actually make up for or replace what we normally think of as aptitude. Some studies have administered the same memory task to high-aptitude and low-aptitude children, some of whom have prior knowledge of the subject matter and some of whom do not; the studies found that only prior knowledge is important (Britton, Stimson, Stennett, and Gülgöz, 1998; Recht and Leslie, 1988; Schneider, Korkle, and Weinert, 1989; Walker, 1988). But some researchers disagree. They report that, although prior knowledge always helps memory, it cannot eliminate the aptitude differences among people. Since everyone's memory gets better with prior knowledge, assuming equal exposure to new knowledge (as in a classroom without extra support for slower students), the student with overall lower aptitude will still be behind the student with higher aptitude (Hall and Edmondson, 1992; Hambrick and Engle, 2002; Hambrick and Oswald, 2005; Schneider, Bjorklund, and Maier-Brückner, 1996). In the end, the issue is not settled, but as a practical matter of schooling, it doesn't matter much. What matters is the central, undisputed finding: All students will learn more if they have greater background knowledge.
Knowledge enhances thinking in two ways. First, it helps you solve problems by freeing up space in your working memory. Second, it helps you circumvent thinking by acting as a ready supply of things you've already thought about (e.g., if you've memorized that 5 + 5 = 10, you don't have to draw two groups of five lines and count them). To simplify the discussion, I'll focus mostly on research that explores the benefits of knowledge for problem solving, which is essentially the type of thinking that students must do in mathematics and science classes. But keep in mind that in much the same way, knowledge also improves the reasoning and critical thinking that students must do in history, literature, and other humanities classes.
Hambrick, D. Z. and Engle, R. W. (2002). Effects of domain knowledge, working memory capacity, and age on cognitive performance: An investigation of the knowledge-is-power hypothesis. Cognitive Psychology, 44, 339-387.
The rationality of biopower is markedly different from that ofsovereign power in terms not just of its objectives, but also of itsinstruments. A major consequence of its development is the growingimportance of norms at the expense of the juridical system of the law.Foucault claims that the dominance of biopower as the paradigmaticform of power means that we live in a society in which the power ofthe law has subsided in favor of regulative and corrective mechanismsbased on scientific knowledge. Biopower penetrates traditional formsof political power, but it is essentially the power of experts andadministrators.
Francis Bacon developed the idea that a classification of knowledge must be universal while handling all possible resources. In his progressive view, humanity would be better if access to educational resources were provided to the public, hence the need to organise it. His approach to learning reshaped the Western view of knowledge theory from an individual to a social interest.
The original classification proposed by Bacon organised all types of knowledge into three general groups: history, poetry, and philosophy. He did that based on his understanding of how information is processed: memory, imagination, and reason, respectively. His methodical approach to the categorization of knowledge goes hand-in-hand with his principles of scientific methods. Bacon's writings were the starting point for William Torrey Harris's classification system for libraries in the United States by the second half of the 1800s. 2ff7e9595c