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Free Tamil The Awakening


May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you May you be confident knowing you are a child of God.Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us. - St. Therèse of Lisieux and St. Theresa of Avila

Free Tamil The Awakening

O God, I find myself at the beginning of another day. I do not know what it will bring. Please help me to be ready for whatever it may be. If I am to stand up, help me to stand bravely. If I am to sit still, help me to sit quietly. If I am to lie low, help me to do it patiently. If I am to do nothing, let me do it gallantly. I pray just for today, for these twenty-four hours, for the ability to cooperate with others according to the way Jesus taught us to live. "Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." May these words that he taught us become more than words. Please free my thinking and feelings and the thinking and feelings of others, from all forms of self-will, self-centeredness, dishonesty, and deception. Along with my brothers and sisters, I need this freedom to make my choices today according to your desires. Send your Spirit to inspire me in time of doubt and indecision so that, together, we can walk along your path. - J. Veltri, S.J.

Did you know that there is an energy center in your body that can enhance your focus, concentration, and also bring up intuitive abilities? You must have heard many spiritual people talk about awakening third eye chakra of the 7 chakras in human body and their experiences with it.

Operating in 180 countries, The Art of Living is a non-profit, educational and humanitarian organization founded in 1981 by the world-renowned humanitarian and spiritual teacher, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar whose vision is a stress-free and violence-free world.

But now these disinherited toilers have declared war on the moneybags and exploiters. The workers of all lands are fighting to free labour from wage slavery, from poverty and want. They are fighting for a system of society where the wealth created by the common labour will go to benefit, not a handful of rich men, but all those who work. They want to make the land and the factories, mills, and machines the common property of all toilers. They want to do away with the division into rich and poor, want the fruits of labour to go to the labourers themselves, and all the achievements of the human mind, all improvements in ways of working, to improve the lot of the man who works, and not serve as a means of oppressing him.

The old Russia is dying. A free Russia is coming to take its place. The dark forces that guarded the tsarist autocracy are going under. But only the class-conscious and organised proletariat can deal them their death-blow. Only the class- conscious and organised proletariat can win real, not sham, freedom for the people. Only the class-conscious and organised proletariat can thwart every attempt to deceive the people, to curtail their rights, to make them a mere tool in the hands of the bourgeoisie.

Experiencing true spirituality means that our consciousness is awakened to the truth. This awakening enables us to see and accept ourselves as we are. We then see and embrace who we can become, our greatest version of who we are, the spiritual reality of who we are. We become aware of our capabilities and of our own intrinsic worth. Feeling confident and strong, we know what actions to take and we easily take them.

One day I was invited to give a talk about Spirituality in a school before I accepted this generous offer as always with an open heart, and totally free of charge as always I returned to school, not as a student I was. But to explain some of my experienced knowledge that developed over several Reincarnations, and now I bring this last bare life. I felt that most of the students were very spiritual.

The content of this book is a message of love for all humanity. This message has been written from the heart for the heart, for your heart. It will help you to get to know yourself, awaken your feelings, eliminate your egoistic part, understand the reason why you are here, and the reason why certain things happen to you. It will give you hope, it will help you understand the world you live in, so that you can turn the biggest misfortune into something useful for your evolution in love. In short, so that you are your true self, free, conscious to be able to experience true love, unconditional love so that you are happier. With all my love, for you.

This journal-styled treatise is about a spiritual awakening that the author experienced in 1969 that led her to research biblical text to determine its true nature, even learning Biblical Hebrew to help her in her quest. Her observations and conclusions regarding both physical and mental involuntary nature events are detailed in straight-forward nonfictional prose. A few related events from her growing-up years are included in the 335-page FREE e-Book, that also contains 127 photos and/or other supportive illustrations. Download it today!

The Fifth Book of Poetry from Alan Ayazyam, exploring the space after a spiritual awakening when the soul begins to gather together the means to create a new way of life for itself and it's environment.

Jesus did not only come to heal the sick or to mend the brokenhearted. He has also come to set the captives free. There is no exception to the kind of bondage that He can set us free. His head was pierced by thorns so that even our mental oppressions and sufferings can be healed.

What is life all about? Are we meant to just live and die? Is there a larger purpose or deeper meaning to life? Life is Liberation from Ignorance and Finding true Enlightenment is an interesting dialogue between a seeker and his Guru that can help you on your own spiritual quest towards liberation, freedom from all misery and suffering; the realization of the Truth and God-realization.

Are we not like this poor beggar? An enormous treasure of shakti lies locked and hidden within us. But we go through life without ever unfolding this shakti, without using it for our own betterment. Little do we realise that we have the hidden potential that can transform our lives. There is a powerhouse within us, yet we live in a state of permanent power failure! Becoming aware of this power is awakening to the reality of the Self!

This morning I'm reading a "Publisher's Desk." We started a new pattern last quarter. The "Publisher's Desk" two page article in "Hinduism Today," is being recorded and that recording is being used in two ways. One is in our new "Hinduism Today" digital edition, the recording is part of the digital edition so not only can you read the "Publisher's Desk" article you can also listen to it which is an extra bonus. And then we've also started pod casting it. And for those of you who aren't familiar with pod casting, it's a way that you place a recording on Apple's Music Store web site and it gets listed, in our case being religious, it gets listed in the religious section. So we have a section for the "Publisher's Desk" recording and people can subscribe to it so that it automatically comes to them when a new version is issued be it, in our case, quarterly or monthly or weekly or daily, whatever. They simply log into the Music Store and anything they've subscribed to automatically downloads into their computer. So it's a very good system and we hope to have a number of Gurudeva's recordings offered through subscription in the near future. We just started with the "Publisher's Desk." But we'd like to get some of Gurudeva's Master Course recordings and other material as separate subscriptions there so it'd be available on a regular basis to everyone. So it's reaching out to a new audience, very broad general audience when you place something in the Music Store subscriptions. And the best part is it's free to everyone. There's no cost to us to place it there and there's no cost to the listener to download it and get it. It's all a service of Apple because it increases the traffic to the store and of course when you go into a store what do you do usually? You buy something. So of course they're hoping that people will go there to get free things and end up buying different things. You can buy the latest episode of "Desperate Housewives" for a $1.99, it's a real bargain, and other things as well that are more educational. So, going to read this and we're hoping for no mistakes but if we, if our tongue gets tied around a word, might be one of these Sanskrit words, I'll repeat the sentence. So that's why I'm repeating the sentence so that the first version of it can be edited out and the second version remain. I'll read the intro, the title and the subtitle which, we don't want to put that on the recording, but gives everyone here an idea of what it's about. So this will be in the July, August, September issue of "Hinduism Today" which we wrap up at the end of this month, right? End of April? That's when we wrap it up it gets printed in May and shipped in May and our readership gets it in June. So, and then our goal is to put the digital edition on a month early. So magazine's July 1. so we're hoping put the digital edition on the web June 1st as well as the pod cast on the Music Store side on June 1st.

Let's turn now to the question of what can we do to hasten the unfoldment of our soul. In Hindu thought, there are fourteen great nerve centers in the physical body (sthula sharira), in the astral body (sukshma sharira) and in the body of the soul (karana sharira). These centers are called chakras in Sanskrit, which means "wheels." Esoterically, spiritual unfoldment relates to the raising of the kundalini force, the serpent power, and the subsequent awakening of these chakras within our subtle bodies. Everyone has all of the chakras, though they usually are content to live in only a few. 2ff7e9595c

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